Distrito Federal, Brazil, 1980. Lives and works in Brasília, Brazil.

The moving image is the main starting point for João Angelini's artistic research, which unfolds in videos, animations, objects, and performances. The artist revisits stop-motion, a traditional animation technique, creating films from a sequence of photographed images, or builds small installations with videos and mirror games that create optical illusions calling our perception to unveil the metaphorical narrative and the internal work processes. Through this type of strategy, the artist reworks and subverts the mechanisms behind the illusion of movement in the cinematographic image. Due to the diversity of his production, his works are regularly exhibited in different institutional environments such as cinemas, theaters, museums and art galleries. Member of the EmpreZa Group, winners of the Marcantonio Vilaça Award 2015. João is also a professor of engraving, animation and three-dimensionality at the Faculdade de Artes Dulcina de Moraes, where he has been teaching since 2008.
His work includes collections such as: Banco Itaú Collection, São Paulo, Brazil; UFG Cultural Center, Goiás, Brazil; Rômulo Maiorana Foundation, Pará, Brazil; MAB- Brasília Art Museum, Brasília, Brazil; MAR- Museum of Art of Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; São Paulo State Art Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil, among others.